( If you are looking for Ross Computer Services, you’re too late – we’ve retired)

What is this all about?

We’ve been very fortunate and have had the opportunity to travel both overseas and at home in Australia.   We’ve combined our love for travel with Chris’s love of photography into this site.

Consequently, this web site has grown out of a project to show our family what we’ve been up to.  It will host some of the photos we’ve taken on our travels as well as some travel information that we’ve come across along the way.  Some of the travel sections may link to other sites, either created by us (eg: RossRambles, etc) or sites we think are worthy of visiting for one reason or another.

We may also include geek-ish IT stuff from time to time.  All that we hope is that it should be interesting and isn’t too bland!

We hope you enjoy what’s on offer and will return to see what has been added from time to time.  If you’re really keen, let us know and we’ll send you an e-mail when we update or add new material.

Sue & Chris

NEW!  2019 – Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos

Welcome to Cambodia and Siem Reap International Airport.

Arrival procedures were ‘interesting’. We walked to beyond the blue Vietnamese Airbus to near the control tower in the distance. My phone gleefully told me to was ’32, feels like 38′ so the 250m walk with hand luggage, etc left us just a bit hot and sweaty. In the Arrivals hall, we looked for the e-Visa line (we had purchased our visas from the Cambodian embassy in Canberra) and were then asked for our arrival forms. Huh? Nothing was handed out on the aircraft, but another of the passengers found a small table where uniformed officials were handing out forms individually if you went and asked (no signs). 

🔗 Click to read more 🙂  

A preview of some of our pics to whet your appetite!